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Version: 2.0


How to add new steps to onboarding

Create a new onboarding step

To add new steps to the onboarding flow, you need to create a new OnboardingStep object and add it to the onboardingSteps list.

class YourOnboardingStep : OnboardingStep {

override suspend fun getActivityIntent(
context: Context,
params: OnboardingStepParams,
): Intent? {
// Create and return an Intent for the step if your step needs to be displayed.
// Return null when your step is passed.
return Intent(context,

suspend fun submitResult(
resultCode: ResultCode,
resultsIntent: Intent,
): Result<StepSuccessScreen, Error> {
// Your intent will be ran with launcher. You can return result code and intent object.
// You can use this method to handle the result of the step.
return StepSuccessScreen.Disabled.ok() // if nothing need to be done on result
// or
return StepSuccessScreen.Enabled(intent) // if you need to pass open extra screen on submit

fun getAnalyticsName(): String? {
return "YourOnboardingStep"

Register the new step

To register your step in onboarding flow, you need to add it to the onboardingSteps list in the initializer flow.

context.installHumaSdk {
sdk {
onboardingKit {
steps {
appkit {
onboarding {
// if you want to replace default onboarding steps pass true,
// otherwise your step will be added to the end of the list
overrideDefault = false
steps {